Development | Quality control | Standard testing | Endurance testing | Service
Our eChecker Benefits
eChecker is the leading developer and manufacturer of performance test benches for e-bikes, e-bike drives, e-scooters, chains and belts. As a specialist for standard tests according to EN 15194, end-of-line and endurance tests, eChecker guarantees maximum precision and reliability.
Market Leader in Europa
Tested E-Bikes
< 30
Seconds Min. set-up times
Our Product & Service Offerings

The eChecker is a modular test stand for e-bikes and S-pedelecs, including cargo bikes. Perfect for end-of-line tests with cycles under 2 minutes or assembly line integration for tests in under 60 seconds. Compatible with all manufacturers, also ideal for product comparisons.

The “Drive Unit” test bench enables fast end-of-line tests, even in assembly line production. The “Virtual Bike” test bench tests drive units without a frame, ideal for development and software tests.

Our e-scooter test bench offers manufacturers and suppliers a reliable solution for testing e-scooters and LEVs for road approval and homologation. This ensures that legal requirements are met and that the vehicles are suitable for everyday use.

The power loss of a chain or belt can be precisely determined on our chain test bench. This allows the effectiveness of chain oils, greases and waxes to be precisely verified.

All eChecker test benches can be easily integrated into test automation systems through standardized interfaces, enabling efficient and smooth operation.

eChecker offers independent tests for e-bikes and pedelecs, including drive units, batteries and sensors. Our test benches support development, troubleshooting and standard testing such as DIN EN 15194, with tailor-made test series according to your requirements.
Why eChecker
With over 500,000 e-bikes tested, we set new standards in efficiency and precision. Our test stands are optimized to securely fix and connect every e-bike to the technology with minimal effort, regardless of whether you are testing a model with a mid-drive or hub motor. Even cargo e-bikes with excess length are no problem for our flexible eChecker.

Overview of our Services
Performance test benches for e-bikes, drive units and e-scooters of all brands
Safety and reliability are our top priority
Customizable basic configuration, expandable according to your requirements
Easy handling for efficient end-of-line testing
Use in research & development, troubleshooting, range and endurance tests
Energieeffiziente Prüfstände: 40 % weniger Stromverbrauch
Alle eChecker Leistungsprüfstande sind für Energieeffizienz optimiert. Durch die Nutzung der in den Generatorbremsen erzeugten Energie zur Stromversorgung von Kurbelantrieb, Meß- und Steuerelektronik lässt sich der Stromverbrauch um ca. 40% senken. Das ist bei End-of-Line und Dauertests nicht nur Nachhaltig, sondern ein echter Kostenvorteil bei den laufenden kosten. Der Clou - so kann sogar die vom der E-Bike Batterie ins System abgegebene Energie genutzt werden.

eChecker News: tests, trends and tips
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